
My objective is to use my engineering, mediation, process, and multi-cultural experiences to help companies and teams become more productive and resolve internal and external conflicts
confidentially, allowing companies to avoid litigation.
We believe the key to misunderstandings is missing, inadequate, or misinterpreted communications. Mediation can repair relationships by helping both sides understand each other and work toward coming up with options to resolve their dispute.
We have studied 7 languages and cultures to help understand what it is that people say to each other, why they say it, and how they communicate. This has helped us understand the value of mediations at the cultural level. We have over 20 years experience in resolving customer disputes
We have set up processes to run and maintain organizations.
We spend time mentoring young entrepreneurs to help them understand ethical issues and to help them work out founder's agreements with their co-founders.
We have interviewed employees at all levels of organizations to gather feedback for improvements.